We've been learning about maps and our neighborhoods. The students used their iPads and went on a virtual tour of their neighborhoods. We also have been learning about the seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica as well as the five oceans (Yes, five-- there were only four when I was in school!): Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Southern Ocean. The students found famous landmarks on each of the continents and explored the border of Antarctica. It was interesting for the students to do the Street Level view and "fly the person" to do a 3-D tour of the landmark. The students were really excited to go inside of the White House and look around the rooms!
Here are some of the locations we visited:
* Our school and neighborhood
* White House
* Great Wall of China
* Eiffel Tower
* St. Louis Arch
* Stonehenge
Students also learned how to take screen shots of their routes in Google Earth and imported those photos to the fantastic app, BookWriter. They created eBooks with the topic "Maps" and included photos, videos, voice recordings, and drawings of objects related to maps and globes.
It was great having students see the world come to life in 3-D, where they were able to tour landmarks and locations and visit the places mentioned in their flat social studies books.
Heather Blake
Second Grade Teacher
Apps workflow for this project
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